

OpenTestHaus WorkOver WeekEnder

“It’s like minecraft in the real world” For ZU Students only – incomings and Newbies are welcome. No ECTS points. KickOff brainstorming meeting with a glass of champagne on Friday January 17, 19:00 at OTH Saturday 12:00 brunch and work at OTH Sunday 11:00 the same. Register / Anmeldung bitte / please via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/containeruniversity/events [...]


The Concept

For approximately 2 years, the ContainerUni will be the temporary home of Zeppelin University at Fallenbrunnen – until we will move into the new Main-Campus at Fallenbrunnen 3.


Facts & Figures

| Site: Fallenbrunnen 17/2, Friedrichshafen, Lake Constance, Germany | approx. 2.500 qm | 4 Container-Buildings and a „Hangar“ from readymade parts | 11 lecture-halls, approx 60 offices for scientists and administration , 5 project- and group-rooms, spaces for work and leisure with Café Mundvoll (in the Hangar), OpenTestHaus with work spaces for students (self-admistered and [...]